Hugs & Kisses – Episode 17 & 18

Alex and Abbie

(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel


✮(𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔶 𝔄𝔯𝔢𝔲𝔪 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔨)✮


Abbie parked her car and got down. Just at that moment Alex was getting down his car too. She glared at him while he came closer to her..

He wasn’t longer wearing the beanie, allowing his colored to hair to be seen

“Wassup brat? Hope your night with my brother was very biblical” Alex smiled..

“F*ck you!” Abbie spatted and brought out her laptop from her car.

“I should thank you yunno, never knew that rainbow colored hair look so good on me..” Alex smiled arrogantly before leaving.

👥 Ahh!! Alex changed his hair color!!

👥 My f**k!! He looks so good in everything!?

👥 I love you Alex, I can díe for you!!

Girls swoon round Alex once he got out of the parking lot. Abbie rolled her eyes and locked her car.

She made to leave when a car drove in the parking lot so she stopped to see who it was..

The car opened and Mrs Adams came out of the car with Julian and Whitney.

“Lian, is this where you school?? Woah!!” Whitney exclaimed, looking around with wide eyes.

She was putting on a pink gown with white sneakers and her blonde hair was parked in a ponytail.


“Will I be in your class? Please Lian! Please!!” Whitney held Julian’s arm, hopping on one spot.

“Sure” Julian smiled.

He looked front to see Abbie looking their way.

“Oh hey Abbie!” Julian smiled

“What’s up Julian” Abbie came closer.

The only person she’s in good terms with among the J.A.V is Julian..

“Good morning ma’am” Abbie greeted politely and Mrs Adams nodded with a smile.

Whitney immediately hid behind Julian and peeped at Abbie.

“Whitney, come here.” Julian pulled her so she stood in front of Abbie.

“Meet Abbie, she’s cool and doesn’t mean harm.. No need being scared of her” Julian said.

“Really? I can be friends with her?” Whitney asked slowly.

“Sure” Julian nodded.

“Yay!!” She immediately hugged Abbie, taking her by surprise.

Julian smiled.

“Hope you don’t mind keeping her company Abbie” Julian said.

“No worries,, I never knew you had a sis” Abbie said, rubbish Whitney’s back.

“Well she’s not.. She has amnesia so I hope you won’t mind if she sometimes acts weird” Julian said.

“Amnesia? Gosh! That’s so bad,, don’t worry.. I’ll take care of her” Abbie said as Whitney released her.

“You’re so cute! Just like me! And we almost have the same hair color! Can I call you twinnie? Huh! Huh! Huh!” Whitney said in a rush.

Abbie chuckled and nodded.

“Let’s go and register Whitney” Mrs Adams said.

They all nodded and left with Whitney clinging to Abbie while smiling widely.

“That Abbie girl is so beautiful and kind,, don’t you think she’ll make a potential wife?” Mrs whispered to Julian who sighed.

“C’mon mom!!” Julian whined.

“What? You’ve never dated before!! Are you sure you’re not ga-”

“Mom!!” Julian exclaimed, frowning at her.

“Okay! Okay! But I want to see my grandchildren before I díe” Mrs Adams said.

Julian sighed and pinched his brows.



Alex got in the hall and as usual, people began murmuring but the murmurs were different from the usual one.

👥 It’s really real? Blaire is engaged to Alex?

👥 I don’t know if I should be happy or not

👥 Does that mean I’ll not longer get to kiss Alex?? No!!

Alex looked around in confusion at the people murmuring while looking at her.

“Babe!” Blaire ran and hugged him..

👥 This says it all..

👥 My poor heart!!

“What the f*ck are you doing!!” Alex roughly pushed her off.

She staggered and almost fell..

“What do you mean? We’re now engaged love, it’s time we stop acting as strangers” Blaire said and made to touch him but Violet grabbed her hand.

“Don’t touch him” Violet said, glaring at Blaire.

“And who do you think you are to interfere with things that doesn’t concern you.. I think it’s time you start minding your business” Blaire pushed her.

“I dare you to push me again and you’ll see” Violet said.

Blaire smirked and instead of pushing her, she slapped her.

“That’s it”

Violet slapped her back and dragged her hair, hitting it on a table. She pushed her down and straddled her, slapping her consecutively

Blaire succeeded in pushing her and she took over then began hitting Violet..

“For a long time I’ve been meaning to put you back to your place. Alex is now mine whether you like it or not.. You can shove that feeling of yours into your filthy @ss.” Blaire spatted

The hall immediately became noisy with people making videos and posting it in the school blog.

👥 Violet!!

👥 Blaire go!! Give her!!

“This is why I love this school!” Alma exclaimed, also taking her own video

Just at that moment, Julian, Whitney and Abbie walked in.

“So this is our hall and from today-” Julian paused when he heard all the noise in the hall.

His eyes widened when he saw it was Violet and Blaire in a fight..

“F*ck!!” He cursed and ran to them.

“What is happening?” Whitney asked, looking at them while blinking her eyes.

“Nothing special, just two dogs displaying how low their level of IQ is” Abbie said and held her hand.

“Come let’s go to my seat” She smiled and dragged Whitney along.

Whitney looked at the two girls fighting before following Abbie.

“It’s okay, stop this!” Alex pulled Violet off while Julian held Blaire. Their hairs were all scattered by the moment they were separated.

“I’m not yet done with you idíot!!” Blaire flared up.

She slapped Julian’s hand off her and marched to the exit. Just at that moment, the lecturer was coming in.

“Move!” She pushed him aside and left.

Della and Estella went after her..

“Are you okay?” Alex asked, arranging Violet’s hair with his hand.

She smiled and nodded..

“Don’t fight again for me.. It looks stupid” Alex said.

“She was getting on my nerves” Violet pouted.

Alex smiled and touched her hair before going to his seat. Violet smiled widely as she followed.

Julian looked at Violet and sighed.

“I feel pity for her” He thought…

“Girls, meet Whitney.. She’s sort of related to Julian” Abbie presented.

“Hi!” Whitney waved her hand, smiling widely..

“I’m Alma” Alma winked.

“And I’m Zoey” Zoey smiled cutely.

They settled down and faced the lecturer who was about to start his lectures.

“Good morning everyone..” He greeted.

👥 Morning s*xy prof!!

He began his lectures and few minutes, a knock came up..

The door opened and the vice chancellor came in with a girl behind.

People gasped loudly when they saw her..

👥 Oh my God…

👥 Is she a human or a doll..

👥 Everything about her scream perfection!!

The girl rolled her eyes at all the comments she was getting as she chewed her bubblegum in a badass way.

She was wearing a turtleneck pink crop top with black denim miniskirt, ending just beneath her round @ss showing off the waist bead round her tiny waist, black heels too.

She looked smoking hot, beyond s*xy. Her long straight black hair fell behind her back.

There was a beauty mole beneath her grey eyes and her face looked so beautiful, just like a Barbie doll.

“Excuse me for interrupting your important lectures, we have a special student here.. The only daughter of the Korea’s vice-president. Meet Beauty Areum Park” The vice chancellor presented her.

👥 Beauty.. Her name suit her.

Alex smiled from his seat as he looked at her.

“She’s s*xy” He thought.

“OMG!! Areum!!” Abbie exclaimed.

“Ha-rin!!” Beauty exclaimed and ran to her. They hugged each other tightly..

They’re actually good friends, back in Korea.

“What are you doing here?” Abbie asked.

“Well I was tired of Korea so I asked dad to transfer me here” Beauty said.

“Jinjja? (Really?)” Abbie exclaimed and hugged her back again.

“I’m so happy!?” Beauty squealed.

The vice chancellor already left. The lecturer cleared his throat.

“Can we resume our lecture?” The lecturer said.

They both sat back down, smiling and giggling at each other. Meanwhile, Zoey and Alma exchanged looks.



“Wow! New York is so nice! Never knew it was filled up with hot guys” Beauty walked hand in gloves with Abbie.

“Yeah” Abbie said.

“About that your boyfriend. The one you’re dating online, hope you’ve met him already” Beauty whispered at Abbie who blushed and nodded.

“So how’s he? Is he handsome? S*xy?” Beauty teased, wriggling her brows.

“Of course!” Abbie flaunted her hair proudly.

“Awww!!” Beauty gushed.

Alma, Zoey and Whitney who were following behind kept rolling their eyes.

“If we’re disturbing you guys just let us know and we can leave” Alma scoffed.

“Oh, sorry girls” Abbie stopped and turned to them.

“Girls meet my friend, Beauty” Abbie gestured at Beauty who kept a poker face.

“Areum, meet my friends. Alma, Zoey and Whitney” Abbie presented them respectively.

“Yeah..” Beauty said, completely uninterested.

She grabbed Abbie’s hand and began taking her away..

“Have you already met the cute guys, can you present me to them?” Beauty smiled..

Zoey crossed her hand under her br**sts.

“I don’t like this girl..”

“Me too” Whitney pouted



Blaire walked out of her personal zone, her hair was already brushed and her make-up was done back..

“I haven’t yet see that Korean girl (Abbie). I’m sure the plan went well” Blaire said.

(They left the class before Abbie came in)

“Yeah, I’m sure her name must be the trendy topic in social media” Della said, bringing out her phone to check it out.

Just then Abbie came to their front and smirked at them. Blaire glared at her.

“What’s she doing here?” She wondered.

“Estella, leave.. This matter doesn’t concern you” Abbie said.

Estella who wasn’t in the mood for troubles left them.

“What do you want? Came to beg Blaire so that she can talk to her father so that you won’t get rusticated?” Della smirked.

Abbie laughed shortly..

“Nah, I rather beg that idiotic Alex than beg her” Abbie said.

She brought out her phone and showed the video of how the lecturer confessed his deeds

Blaire and Della’s eyes widened.

“Give that back” Della made to snatch the phone from her but Abbie lifted her hand up.

“It’s useless trying to take this phone from me.. I already duplicated it in several phones” Abbie said.

Della heart began thumping in fear. Her father is a colonel and she knows what will happen to her if he gets to find out.

“I can just publish this with just one tap and the whole world will know who Blaire Cooper and Della Moore is” Alex smirked, playing with her manicured fingers.

“Delete it please,, I promise I’ll do whatever you want me to do” Della begged.

“Nice! I like cooperating b*tches like you” Abbie said and faced Blaire.

“What about you?”

Blaire folded her fist, glaring daggers at Abbie.

She was in a great dilemma.. On one hand, if her parents come to find out she’ll be in great trouble. Her father may pamper her but it has limits. On the other hand, she can’t stoop so low in front of Abbie

“I guess I should post it then” Abbie shrugged and made to post it.

“Fine!” Blaire said loudly..

Abbie’s thumb stopped just few inches away from from the icon.

“Nice! Let’s begin!” Abbie smiled like an angel but the smile slowly turned to a smirk.

“You’ll regret this!!” Blaire gritted her teeth in anger.



Alex was busy sipping on his can of soda while pressing his phone. He looked up to see Beauty sitting alone on a table while pressing her phone.

He smirked and dipped his phone in his pocket, going to her.

“Hey Beauty” He spoke.

Beauty looked up from her phone and her eyes widened. Her phone even fell off from her hand.

“F**k…” She muttered and she stared at the perfectly made creature in front of her.

“Mind if I,, sit with you” He said and licked his lips.

“S.. Sure”

Alex sat down next to her. She tugged her hair behind her ear, stylishly making sure he noticed her cleavage which Alex clearly noticed.

“Your name really compliments you,, a real beauty” Alex whispered to her ear and she began feeling wet due to how his breath brushed her neck.

“Real beauty always need real beauty like you to,, get busy don’t you think?” Beauty flirted back, placing her hand on his thigh, almost touching his groin

“You just said my mind” Alex said and began caressing her thigh.

Beauty bit her lips at how he was making her feel just by touching her thigh. He was sure a pro..

She shivered when Alex’s hand moved further up. Her gaze locked with his flirtatious gaze and he licked his pink lips again.

His hand made to move further up but paused when he head something breaking in the cafeteria. Just like him, all eyes turned to were it came from

“Oops” Abbie smirked.

She “unintentionally” lost her hold on her plate of spicy spaghetti and it fell on the floor. The plate broke in the process.

Alex retracted his hand from Beauty’s thigh and turned to watch the scene. Beauty frowned in disappointment.

“Clumsy me” Abbie said and immediately snapped her fingers.

All eyes widened when Blaire and Della ran in with a broom and mop.

“Yes my venerated honourable ravishingly gorgeous and super cute queen” They chorused

👥 …..

“Clean this up” Abbie pointed at the ground.

Whitney kept glaring at Blaire as they bent down to clean. Abbie told them everything and she couldn’t help but feel this burning rage anytime she hears someone was almost r@ped.

Blaire kept fuming in anger as they began cleaning the mess on the ground.

“Oops… I’m so clumsy” Zoey said while pouring her juice on the ground.

“Do your job servant!” Alma spatted.

Blaire glared at all of them and went to clean it.

She made to mob it but stopped when she heard what Abbie said.

“Clean it,, with your clothes” Abbie smirked.

Everyone stared at what was happening with wide eyes, unable to talk.

“That’s what I’m talking about” Alex smirked, watching the scene more keenly.

Beauty glared at Abbie.

When Blaire couldn’t take such mockery, she flared up..

“How dare you!! You lowly life!! You insignificant thing!! How dare-”

Whitney suddenly kicked her face hard when she couldn’t take it hearing her voice. She just couldn’t understand the anger she’s feeling by hearing she plotted a r@pe case against Abbie

Blaire spat out blood. Whitney grabbed her hair and pulled her up harshly


“When Abbie talks you listen like an obedient dog…got that?” Whitney spatted the words at her face.




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