No More Room For Love – Episode 42

No More Room For Love Episode 42
© Loudest Thoughts 2017
All Rights Reserved

Kate didn’t realize she actually needed sleep, she woke up a few hours after that argument with Nectar.

‘Gosh, I just have to get over my pride then. Is this even pride, I mean he is the one who went wrong this time? But how long would I pretend I’m okay when I’ve been silent just to watch his reactions, but he keeps disappearing on me all the time.’ She kicked her pillow off the bed angrily when she remembered the decision she took.

‘I was so sure last week I wanted to give us a chance but he has ruined it. Would things have been different if I wasn’t pregnant.’ She rubbed her belly and smiled.

‘Maybe I probably wouldn’t have married him in the first place, I did all these because of our kids.’ Kate whispered to herself once more.

‘What would life be with all these men that has one way or the other hurt me. Maybe they wouldn’t have treated me like Nectar just did some few hours ago or probably they would have done worse. Is that even a man in love? He should redefine his love.’ She hissed loudly and seemed so stressed at that point.

‘Leaving him is definitely an option now.’ Kate sobbed whiles she murmured to herself. ‘There’s no way anyone can forgive all these misdeeds.’ Kate felt she was making decisions in a hurry so she tried to lay back when it struck her that she had limited time.

‘Time?’ She muttered. However limited time is now may still deal with the pieces of my heart but whatever happens I know I’m in this alone. Nectar can do whatever he wants to as any decision I would make might just be out of mere pity but he’s been good to me at a point so i owe him that respect to tell him i want out.’

She murmured once more and realized instead of fussing she needed to talk to him. Kate picked up her phone to reach him. Nectar picked up on the first ring.

‘Where are you?’ Kate asked softly.

‘I’m around, just outside the gate.’ He replied.

‘Hope you aren’t that busy, I want us to talk.’ Kate said gently.

‘Come on Kate, I didn’t go anywhere, I was just taking a stroll in the neighborhood.’

‘I didn’t say you went somewhere Nectar, I just asked a question so come home and let’s talk, wait let me meet you outside because I need that stroll too.’ Kate said cheerfully.

Kate quickly dragged her body out of bed and fished out her sneakers on the shoe rack.

She met her friend outside staring at her.

‘Katie where are you going with this your dressing?’

‘Matt’s leave me alone. I’m meeting your brother for a stroll.’

‘Oh, that explains it because only Nectar wouldn’t have a problem with this kind of dressing. All the best.’ Matt’s laughed.

‘Matt’s get a life.’ Kate teased back and left. She saw Nectar a few miles away waving her.


‘Catherine why don’t you answer his call.’

‘Why should I?’

‘He has called several times already and it could be important.’

‘Important? I’m not important to Wilson.’

‘I meant you know the reason why you couldn’t leave in the first place was because of his health.’ Kingsley told Catherine.

‘King, you know me well that if I’m fed up, I don’t look back.’ Catherine told Kingsley who she has been lodging with for the past few days.

‘But you know you are not fed up yet, you love that man.’ Kingsley further said.

‘No, I don’t King.’ Catherine replied hanging up for the fifth time on Wilson.

‘Remember he was the reason you didn’t want to get out and be with me. You can’t just tell me now you endured all that and you can’t endure a little fight. Unless there is something you aren’t telling me here.’ He asked suspiciously.

Catherine’s tear ducts opened. ‘King he is dying and he wouldn’t even admit and get help. I can’t stand that scene.’ Catherine finally opened up.

‘So, staying here would rather make your problems go away? And all that fight with him was because you are scared of losing him?’

Catherine nodded to confirm his revelation. ‘I can’t be there when it happens.’

‘Come on, Call him already.’ They were still talking when Kings wife came in.


‘Nectar, you know you hurt me a lot and I might just be living looking over my shoulders.’ Kate said while they walked hand in hand.

‘What are you saying Kate?’ Nectar asked so confused.

‘Nectar I feel what you feel, in case you haven’t noticed I was beginning to open up to you and you ruined it. In as much as I think about this whole thing with you and Pearl, I’m convinced the worse isn’t over yet and whatever you keep sneaking out for since I found out about Pearl bothers me. You don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine but you should know your attitudes make me restless at night.’ Kate said and paused.

‘Let sit on that rock.’ Nectar finally said and lead the way when he noticed she was struggling to walk.

‘Thank you, I’m exhausted.’

‘Kate, I think about your health a lot, it seems you are not aware of the severity of your condition. Whatever I kept from you is for your own good so trust me.’ He said.

‘Like what you are keeping from me now?’ She asked.

‘Don’t push it, Kate! We will talk when you put to bed, that’s the only way out now.’ Nectar said so convinced.

‘You won’t change your mind, not even for love.’ She tried to bribe. Nectar nodded to respond.

‘With all that said, I’ve come to a decision about what is next for us.’ Kate said avoiding his gaze.

He was silent as if he already knew what his wife was coming to say.

‘All these family crises and my marriage on the rocks, I barely get to sleep at night while you snore into the night, I stare into the darkness waiting for morning. I need time for myself, to be honest we really don’t need to do this to ourselves anymore.’

‘Do what?’ Nectar asked.

‘I’m obviously liking you, amidst all the troubles you give me at night, I want to hold on to you. But this is beyond me, I’m a mess right now as you rightly pointed out and I’m hardly breathing.’

Nectar held her closer, quickly checking her pulse.

‘Gentle man, I don’t mean that kind of breathing.’ Kate said flashing him a smile. ‘What I’m saying is I want us to go our separate ways.’ Kate finally said and nectar didn’t take it easy at all.

He sprung up. ‘Kate but I love you.’

‘Nectar love alone isn’t enough.’ Kate shot back.

‘Then what is because i don’t understand you.’

‘I just feel this is the best thing to do now.’ She said again hiding the fact that her last conversation with Sly didn’t go well with her. She has pleaded to keep that to herself, the more reason why she needs to drop whatever charges she had against Stacy.

Nectar took his eyes off her for a minute and Kate whispered quietly to herself.

“For God’s sake, you are a Doctor Nectar. Can’t you see life sucking my breath away slowly. I thought you were commended to be the most brilliant back then and now.

You have saved so many lives. Can’t you figure this out, has whatever you went through with Keisha destroyed you to the extent of not realizing the woman you sleep in bed with every night and wake up to is beyond fixing. Maybe Pearl has clouded your true nature.” She hissed and stared at him once more.

‘Kate are you okay, you just said you want a separation and you fell into your own thoughts, whispering to yourself or have you changed your mind?’ Nectar asked with hope.

‘No nectar, I haven’t. Let’s not complicate this anymore.’

‘I will fix whatever is broken. Allow me make it right, don’t let me go through another phase of loss.’ He pleaded.

‘Nectar you aren’t thinking straight; you haven’t been for a while. It beats my imagination how you even get on well at work.’ Kate said bluntly.

‘So, all this is about my night episodes Kate.’

‘Not really?’

‘Are you running away because you can’t handle it or because you are tired.’ He shot back.

‘Nectar, I can’t handle it and I’m tired are all saying the same thing. But that’s not my point, we both are mentally sick somehow but I just don’t want to continue this sham of a marriage anymore. Just let me go please.’ Kate couldn’t finish before he interrupted.

‘Kate, there’s no going back once we do this.’

‘I know all that Nectar.’

‘Okay Kate, i will grant you the separation.’ He said not so much worried while Kate looked on surprised.

‘Are you sure you want this.’ She asked?

‘I don’t but if you want this to happen, why not Kate because to be honest you have gone through enough yet still standing and whatever makes you happy is the only thing I have to give and my love for you is all I can hold on to.’ Nectar said with certainty.

Kate thought why he would give up easily but she dismissed that thought.

‘These kids are yours, I won’t deny them their father.’ She said.

‘Kate first things first, how would you explain to your mom and there’s Matt’s we have to face.’ Nectar asked.

‘I’m not saying immediately, but after I give birth.’ She clarified and almost added he should be ready to take care of the kids alone. Nectar heaved a sigh thinking he had more time to do something about that big blow.

‘Let me know when you are ready so we go over the details.’

‘Okay with all that said now, can we go back in?’ She asked and Nectar held her up. They walked back looking at each other weirdly.

‘But you need to stop running your mouth all the time Kate.’

‘I know right.’ She said and entered the house laughing.

‘Finally, you two are back.’ Matt’s said almost blushing.

‘And where are you off to dressed like you just scored another goal. I hope it’s not what I’m thinking Matt’s.’ Kate queried.

‘No, I’m done with the hairy guys.’ Matt’s said while Nectar couldn’t stop staring at Kate. Matt’s winked and finally grabbed Kate’s attention.

‘Oh yeah I get it, all the best! Just don’t push it that hard.’ Kate finally said.

‘Nectar, stop staring at your wife like today is her last day.’ Matt’s said to tease but that caught Nectar’s attention.

He quickly rushed back in and got hold of his phone. ‘Sylvester, are you sure everything is okay with my wife?’ He asked almost at once.

‘Yes, why? Is my patient okay Glover? Does she need to come over because I’m not around so I quickly cancel.’

‘For your sake I hope you are telling me everything I need to know Sly.’ Nectar yelled.

‘What’s going on Nectar?’ Kate entered and asked Nectar who was startled on the phone with sly.

‘We will see at the hospital tomorrow.’ He said and quickly hanged up.

He nodded to indicate he was okay.

‘Nectar you haven’t answered me yet. You were yelling, what’s going on?’

‘Nothing Kate, I just realized Sly didn’t do as I asked since I handed over my patients to him while going on leave.’ Nectar lied but his smart wife could see through that lie.

‘Another lie. Okay, i need some rest.’ She said and walked away barely able to keep it together.

Nectar watched her for a while and rushed to support her.


Catherine opened the door almost immediately to meet Wilson’s gaze. They stared for a while, as if she would collapse right there and then.

‘What are you doing here Wilson and how did you even know I was here in the first place.’

‘That would be me.’ Catherine heard Kingsley behind her. She was about to shout when King’s wife flashed her a supportive smile.

‘Can we go somewhere and talk?’ Wilson asked gently finally doing away with his embarrassment.

She watched him for a while and realized there was something different about him.

‘Wilson you have just one minute to say whatever you came here for.’

‘Okay, I want you to come back home with me.’ He said rather quickly and so sure.

‘Why should I do that Wilson?’

‘I just want you home. I’m lonely in there.’

‘So, you keep abusing me. I have dignity you know.’

‘Catherine, I force myself on you not because I want to. But I hate the idea of sleeping with my own sister.’ He said with a lot of venom trailing off his voice. That’s what Claudia never understood.’

‘What did you just say Wilson and who is your sister? Because I’m sure i’m not related to you in any way, so come again.’

‘Can we have a sit so we can talk?’ Wilson asked calmly.

Catherine looked back and the hall was empty. She wondered where king and the wife left to leaving her with her abuser of a husband. She figured she still loved him.

‘You are not coming in; you should know that.’ Catherine said calmly.

‘We can sit in my car please.’ He responded. Catherine waited for a while and asked him to take the lead.


‘I miss you.’ Drake finally said after several stares and minutes of silence between them at the restaurant. When Drake sent the address of her favorite restaurant in town she smiled and decided to hear him out. Matt’s was in deep thoughts when he spoke up.

‘I wasn’t thinking you would come but i’m glad you are here.’ Drake said almost smiling.

‘I almost didn’t make it. She murmured.

‘What did you say?’ Drake asked staring at her while her face was down all this time. ‘Look at me love.’ He reached out and raised her face up.

‘You look stunning.’ Drake flattered. I’m sorry once again, you heard wrong. I admit that was my plan the first time we slept together but whatever you said in there furiously got to me and that long talk in your house the last time meant a lot to me. I’m in this with you, don’t doubt that.’ Matt’s tears were just flowing like the ocean pacific. She knew she didn’t mean to cry but she couldn’t help it.

‘Don’t cry you would ruin your makeup. I don’t want you wasting time in the bathroom touching up this evening when we could do a lot of meaningful things with that time.’ Drake teased.

She smiled and giggled.

‘That’s better, so you can wipe your tears now.’

‘I’m sorry I had to doubt you but nothing is happening anytime soon.’ She said smiling wiping her face gently.

‘Really, that’s a relief.’ Drake said and they both ended up in a cheerful laugh.


‘What do you mean by meeting your Dad was not a coincidence?’ Catherine asked surprised.

‘Catherine, I found out I was adopted when my Dad brought you home that night.’

‘You? Adopted?’ She queried.

‘Apparently my Dad had been looking for you for years, to the detest of my mom who didn’t want you to be found.’ Wilson narrated.

‘What did you say Wilson, we are related? That’s an abomination.’

‘No, we are not, I just said I was adopted so I wasn’t even theirs to start with. You were my Dad’s only child.’

‘Wow!’ She exclaimed.

‘I refused to accept that for a while but came to terms with that with the help of Claudia, so now you know why I treat you that way.’

‘Claudia knew about this?’

‘Yes, and I hated the fact that I had to sleep with the daughter of someone who raised me, but Claudia badly needed a baby. And I would do anything for her as she has saved me from myself several times.’

Catherine though overwhelmed with all that revelations was still calm.

‘Your Dad never said any of these when he picked me up.’

‘Mom didn’t want him to on the terms that if he did, you’d have to go back to the street.’

‘So that was the reason why your mom wants to hurt my only child.’

‘I guess so.’

‘How did she even know Kate wasn’t Claudia’s?’

‘Mom always knew but pretended just to hurt you and i kind of confirmed that for her the last time she came around demanding to know why i still keep you around.’

‘Why would she pretend Kate was Claudia’s when she already knew she was my child.’

I guess so you could leave the house because if Kate was Claudia’s you had no right to be in that house and besides she had no idea Claudia married us so you could be around to take care of Kate.’

‘Your mom is evil Wilson.’ She muttered angrily.

‘I’m sorry Catherine, I know you always had your own reservations about my mom but she was an angel to me.’

‘I understand you Wilson, but you should know she watched your Dad choke to death.’

‘She did what? Where was i? mean I was there the day he died and my mom was shattered.’

‘Wilson you don’t get it do you?’

‘No, i don’t because he died of a heart attack. Jane met him on the floor by then he was already gone.

‘You are naive like everyone else that was present that day.’

‘What do you mean by that Catherine?’

‘Your Dad’s asthma started and all she could do was to watch holding his inhaler few meters away.’

‘And you know this how?’

‘I know that because I was in the bathroom that day where he had earlier instructed me to draw his bath and i saw everything. I only came out when Jane shouted, then she realized i was in when she pulled her stunts.’ Catherine said with a lot of emotions running through her veins.

‘Let me guess, you want to tell me she threatened to throw you back on the streets like i always did so you kept quiet.’

Wilson heaved a sigh!

‘You don’t believe me, do you?’ Catherine asked.

‘Catherine that’s not it, I believe you. Stacy confirmed her wrong doings earlier, so of course I would believe an innocent you.’ Wilson said emotionally.

‘And what are you going to do about this, because obviously she is going after my daughter because she loathes me and I won’t have your paranoid mother hurting me that bad.’

‘I would call the cops tomorrow Catherine.’ Wilson said assuring his wife.

She cleared her throat. ‘So, what I heard about Stacy, is that true and have you figured out who her mom is?’ Catherine asked softly.

‘I will ask my mom once we find her, she has a lot of explanations to do as to why my daughter somehow ended up with her.’ Wilson said confused.

‘Your daughter huh!’

‘I’m sorry if that hurts.’ He pleaded.

‘No, it’s fine.’ She shrugged.

‘But you seem sad.’

‘It’s just that you’ve never acknowledged Kate that way.’

‘I know and that’s something i have to make up for but i would need your help because she listen’s to you.’

‘Okay, i would speak with Kate when we meet.’

‘Catherine, thank you for standing with me all these years.’

She smiled sheepishly. ‘Is that all you are grateful for?’

‘Oh, and for giving me Kate. She’s stubborn now but I know where she got that from.’ He said to make a joke.

‘Obviously not from you Wilson, I know you were referring to me.’ Catherine said and teased him playfully.

Then everything came to a standstill. They were looking at each other sheepishly.

‘Can I hold you?’ Wilson asked looking straight in her eyes, without blinking.

She blinked once and was about to respond when Kingsley knocked on the door signaling her to roll down the glass. She sighed and murmured ‘saved by the bell’.

To be continued




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