Until death – chapter 20

Until Death, chapter 20



Theme: “The processor 2”


“You aren’t one of the reapers, so return to your duke and don’t force me, ” The veiled man warned the so-called processor. Despite how bold he was trying to sound, the fear was still visible in his voice, which makes me wonder who this processor is. First, it was Esther and General Zod that exclaimed in fear, followed by how all of them were moving back in fear.



“You know my duke right, don’t you?” The processor replied. Her voice was so calm and peaceful. However, it carried authority and warning. “I serve Smith, and you all know that I am a loyal dog.”



“And none of the Smiths are still alive,” General Zod snapped at her.



“What about him?” The processor said, her gaze now resting on me. “Did you think I didn’t know that he was the last of the Smiths? I know you precluded his soul on its way back to the real world. Or did you think I didn’t know about how you were torturing him just to find out the location of the soul nectar? ” The processor seethed, and I could hear the rage in his voice. She was now taking threatening steps towards General Zod and his people.


The word “intercept” raised a question in my head, and then something clicked in my brain instantly. I recall my father telling me to return to the human world and learn more about the Smiths. I could remember the water transformation and how I met myself in the strange room, my leg hung on the ceiling and my body dangling upside down. So, I was literally returning to my body in the arena ground when this evil human, whose name I assumed to be Reapers, intercepted my soul and transported me here to their world.



I clenched my fist in rage as all of the agonizing torture replayed in my mind. The suffering from Esther’s hand, the blow, and the heated iron tortured All the fights I had with those stupid knights, the three hefty beings I slaughtered. The fight with Esther’s clones, the canyon beat, not excluding the maggots and the scale tentacle beast. I shake my head in pity for myself and tears escape from my eyes. I have indeed been through hell. I was kidnapped at the age of sixteen and forced to fight in a deadly arena for a complete four years. I know if I don’t face any challenges again until old age, these are enough.



“And how does that concern you?” The veiled man inquired about the processor.



“Because it is my duty to protect him.” The processor snapped back. “You are even a fool,” she taunted again. “Shouldn’t you leave him alone when you noticed that he was overcoming all the tests you were giving him? I thought your brain should have told you that he is the soul nectar of the dead.”



“What!!!” The veiled man and his team exclaimed in unison. “That is impossible.”



“That is why Smith and the soul are wiser than you reapers.” The processor said, with a smirk. “If you don’t mind, I will be taking him with me.”



“Not under my watch,” The veiled man yelled, then raised his hand and directed it at us. 



However, the processor pushed me lightly, and I watched in shock and surprise as a rock spun out of nowhere and aimed for the processor. Without much effort, the processor raised her hand and another rock countered that of the veiled man’s while both rocks broke into pieces. The now enraged veiled man yells in fury, then lunges at the processor. With a loud battle cry, he aimed a punch at the processor, who blocked the blow as if it was nothing. The veiled man retreated his hand, then doubled his attack and aimed for the processor’s throat. However, she mysteriously vanished out of sight.



I opened my mouth in shock, unable to believe the scene going on in front of me. I have heard and watched movies about telekinesis, spirit beasts, and those who can control all the elements, but I haven’t seen one. However, this afterlife made me believe that everything is possible, that magic exists, and that there are people who have it. Then something replayed in my head. When I slammed my leg into the canyon water, It was like I had frozen the water and then ordered them to take me up.



However, the rumbling of the canyon jolted me out of my thoughts. I raised my head trying to find out what was happening again, and what I saw made me speechless. The whole canyon depth has been filled up again by ice. Not only that, the processor and the veiled man are now fighting with magic. They were using all the four elements at once; fire, rock, air, and ice spiked all around the place. The veiled man was also strong and brutal as he was controlling multiple ice spikes at once, then he would direct them at the processor.



Nonetheless, the processor isn’t relenting. She was dodging everything perfectly and countering all the veiled men attacking her as if she had been training all her life for this moment. She controls an ice shield, and a fireball from the veiled man hits the ice shield instead of the processor. In return, the processor melted with the ice she was standing on. Before the veiled man could blink, she appeared in front of him. Her hand was now blazing with fire. In the same motion, she launched an uppercut at the veiled man, and the blow hit him in the jaw. The forces carried him up, but the processor grabbed his leg and slammed his back on the rock. A sharp spike, which I guess was made from rock and ice, sprouted out of the ground and stabbed the veiled man’s stomach.



He yells out in pain, his dark voice booming throughout the entire atmosphere. However, that doesn’t make the processor stop punishing him. She folded her fist, and the spike became bigger while they shot out of the veiled man’s stomach into the sky. The processor controls them back to the ground by turning her hand upside down. At the speed of light, I watched as the multiple spikes came descending on the veiled man. The sharp, tiny gagged mouth aimed for his eyes and throat altogether. Just a few inches from the spike hitting home, the veiled man suddenly evaporated from his spot, appeared behind the processor, then slashed at her from behind. It happened so fast that the processor barely had time to react. It was like the veiled man had it planned all along. 



The veiled man transformed his hand into a long sword that was sparkling with fire, then he slashed at the processor again. This time, she was prepared. The processor hand also morphed into a sharp blade with a tiny hand. Looking closely at the processor blade, I was sure it was formed with the use of all the elements. It had an iced hilt, a flaming mouth, and the blade seemed to be made from the black canyon’s rock. With a loud clang, the processor blocked the veiled man.



Letting out a deep guttural cry, the two slashed at each other again, their sword raised high against their heads and the two beings met. Fire sparkled out of their weapons as they collided together, followed by hard strength and muscle testing. The processor kicked the veiled man in the chest, and he was sent flying a few feet back. Without relenting, she dashed at him again, and the latter was quick to roll out of the way as the processor attempted to stab him. In the same motion, he wheeled back and then knelt to grab the processor in his chest, but she grabbed his leg instead and used it to fling him away.



At the speed of light, the processor dashed at the veiled man. Iced, fire and air were bleeding after her as she lunged at the veiled man. However, he quickly controlled the rock, and the processor slammed against the rock instead. The collision was so high that it sent waves of air which threw me, General Zod, and Esther away from our feet. Slowly, the scene began to clear, and I was shocked to see the veiled man and a broken rock on the ground. I looked around, my gaze searching for the processor, but she was nowhere to be found. 



Looking closely at the veiled man, I can see that he was staring at the iced floor instead. Not only that, he was moving around in a circular pattern, as if he and his enemy were spiralling waiting for who was going to make the first move between them. Slowly, I started putting the puzzle together. The broken rock on the ground means that the processor isn’t the one that collided with the rock that the veiled man created. The processor has melted with the ice. 



As soon as I put everything together, the iced floor started cracking, and the processor emerged from the place where the veiled man was standing, flying in the air. The veiled man was still on top while the processor was under the iced water. Still, in the same motion, she turned the ice upside down, which put her now at the top. Three sharp ice spikes emerged from the veiled man’s side, which pinned him to the ice. Still, underneath the thing, the processor controls the ice back to its position, trapping the veiled man under it in the process.



I was distracted from my thoughts when I felt something hit me from behind. Before I could turn back, I felt a hairy hand grabbing my throat and lifting me to the ground with one hand. Without anybody telling me, I knew it belonged to General Zod. His hand was so strong that I felt it was choking me. My leg was lifting off the ground, dangling in mid-air, and my lung was lacking air at the same time. I could feel my eyes turning white, while my brain couldn’t phantom what to do at that time. Just when I thought I would pass out, the processor appeared behind General Zod and punched him from behind. Esther, letting out a loud whimper, wanted to attack the processor from behind, but she froze at the same spot.



“He is all yours. You can take care of him.” The processor said to me after General Zod had been thrown several metres back, I was still holding my throat, coughing vigorously and inhaling fresh air at the same time when the processor said again. “You are the soul nectar, don’t forget,”



“So, what does that mean?” I asked. The cough had subsided, and I was now standing on my feet. “I can’t even perform any of the tricks you are doing. The same goes for the strange power that I was feeling. It always deserts me when I need it most. Then how did you expect me to beat him?” I explained to her



“You can beat him,” she insisted again. “Besides, you are the soul nectar they are looking for, which means you can perform and use greater magic than I.” She elaborated.



Nodding my head like an agama lizard, I charged at General Zod. I let my anger and revenge cloud my thoughts. From the depths of my heart, I felt a strange power rising again. Then I let it take over. I allowed my body to work on its own and I felt the power taking control of my body. Slowly, a weapon came into my hand, and I was amazed when I discovered that it was the strange rune sword. Letting out a great battle cry, I slashed at General Zod. In a more vicious way than I have ever done, I attacked him from all sides, slashing at him from different angles and cutting through every possible means I could think of.



Back and front, left and right, the battle went on. He was also a skillful being, but I am more perfect. I was fast to the extent that my vision was blurred, and I am sure that the strange power is the one controlling me. After what seemed like forever, I finally found an opening, and I took hold of the opportunity to slash General Zod on the ribs. It caught him unaware, and I could hear the shrieking sound as the sword burned his flesh. I didn’t let him recover when I controlled the ice that froze him. Not wasting another second, I charged at him with one aim in my mind: to make him feel all the pain I had been through.

However, a few metres away, the veiled man appeared out of nowhere and knocked me backwards by using a rock.


I was flying in the air when I felt the processor hand catch mine. “We have to leave now,” she said hastily. “We live to fight another day. Besides, you still have a lot to learn. ” The processor said again when she noticed that I wasn’t ready to leave.



“Let’s go,” I finally replied, after a few seconds. If it was under normal circumstances, I would have begged her to help me slaughter those wicked beings. Still, I will come back for them. No matter how long it might be, I will return for them.



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