I have heard of a land,
in the realms of light,
where cry shall be no more
peace and happiness shall forever dwell
the chosen shall eat the works of their hands.

I have heard of a land,
in the realms of light,
where darkness shall be no more
sin shall never be found in the lives of men
wars shall never be fought
peace and gladness shall accompany each day.

I have heard of a land,
in the realms of light,
where death shall be no more
pains and hunger shall never come our way
divinity shall dwell among humanity
gladness and joy shall be in the lives of all

I have heard of a land,
in the realms of light,
where the sun shall never shine
yet darkness will never cover the inhabitants
divinity shall shine for humanity
And blood shall never be spilt on the ground

there, the leapard and the sheep shall dwell in peace
little children will play with the tails of the lions
the ground will give fully its produce
and man and woman shall forever rejoice


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