How to Getting Money From Your Bare Land Every Month or Year

You have a land but you’re thinking of using it to make more money for you every month.


Are you thinking you cannot do that because you’ve not a built a house on it yet? You could be wrong. You can get money from your land even if you’ve not built anything on it. Let me explain.


You can also rent your land to someone and the person will be paying you monthly rent.


You could decided to be collecting your money every year. Cool money. Who doesn’t want that?


Both of you will need to sign a lease agreement. It is a binding document. It is binding for the duration agreed to.


Renewal of the agreement could be every year or every 5 years depending on your agreement.


Once you decide to use your land for something else,you need to inform the person at least 3 months before the expiration of the lease agreement.

That’s to help the person to be prepared.


After the expiration of you agreement, you can also extend it for more years if the leassee still want to continue.

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