Heart Desire – Episode 11

HEART DESIRE – Episode 11

A story by Jochrine Kunda


***Meeting Mwelwa’s mother felt like heaven on earth, we drove to his house which had 3 bedroom, a medium sized living room and kitchen, not exactly the fantasy I expected but it was better than what I had back home. He took Jane as we went in and held my hand, I saw an elderly woman who was in the living room watching a series on Zee World, I could tell that she was probably in her early 60s and I greeted her with so much respect just pose a good impression and we took our seats. Mwelwa first started by introducing Jane to his mother and she couldn’t hide her joy as she kept praising the Lord and singing songs

M.mom: praise the Lord, he has finally answered my prayers, he wouldn’t let me die without holding my only son’s child in my arms. My first grandchild you’re so beautiful

Mwelwa: yes mom and this is Veronica, Jane’s mother and your soon to be daughter in law

M.mom: really, she’s so beautiful and Jane looks more like her mother than you

***She pulled me in for a hug***

M.mom: you’re so beautiful and I’m sure you’ll produce beautiful children just like Jane. Let’s have a baby boy this time around

***She whispered the last part in my ear and I smiled while nodding***

M.mom: otherwise you’re welcome to our family

Me: thank you

Mwelwa: mom can I please have my woman back

M.mom: go already coz Bashi Jane is a jealous man

Mwelwa: hmm… “Bashi Jane” it feels so right

Laughter filled the room until Sarah came from one of the rooms, I could tell that the poor woman was crying and she stood in the centre of the room as fresh tears made their way down her face. She still had good looks and didn’t look wasted like most women who were abandoned by their spouses would look

M.mom: what is she still doing here?

Mwelwa: I thought we agreed that I’d find you gone when I returned

Sarah: I wanted to meet my replacement and I’m disappointed that she ain’t better than I thought

M.mom: pl….

Sarah: and you

***She turned to look at Mwelwa***

Sarah: what did you agree to when you said you’d stick to me in sickness and in health? You said you’d always be by my side despite my incapabilities, did that mean you’d bring in a hungry mouse?

***He looked down***

M.mom: you call it an incapability but I call it a disease, you’re the type that carries out abortions like something fancy that’s trending and you’re now paying for your mistakes

Sarah: so being barren has caused you to bring in this woman?

M.mom: exactly coz your disease doesn’t only affect Mwelwa but the entire family because I for one need someone to call a grandchild

Sarah: I saw a mother in you yet you went behind my back and brought in his baby mama

M.mom: mukashana (young lady) I’m not the reason you can’t bear children

***She slowly nodded her head then she turned to face me***

Sarah: and you the incubator, you fail to find your own man coz you want an already mature man, a man I worked so hard for him to be where he is just for you to come and enjoy what I sowed but go ahead and always keep in mind that you’ve done to me will happen to you someday and it will have a bad timing. I want to thank you all for the blessing you’ve bestowed upon me.

I so much wanted to spit out fire at her but I had to act maturely by keeping quiet and playing the perfect daughter in law, we all continued talking as she wheeled out her bags…..




My wedding day was a few days ago and I tried my very best to find Blessings since I heard that she never lived at her grandma’s house anymore, I was quite held up to ask her grandma what really transpired. Thanks to social media I finally found her and was surprised that she even was in possession of a handset, I sent her a friend request which she accepted just a few minutes after and we got the conversation flowing, I apologized for the hurtful words that I said to her that almost tore us apart. According to the catch up we had, I could tell that there was nothing she could do about the relationship going on between Mwelwa and I so I told her about the wedding as well and chose her as my bridesmaid. She didn’t respond so I called her since we had exchanged contacts and she was hesitant to answer but she finally agreed and I asked what happened for her to leave her granny’s house then she narrated the whole story and I was left with a dropped jaw when she was done, we wrapped up our call and an involuntary smile crept on my face

Me: mmm….so my little munchkin is seeing someone, naughty you…….

***I said to myself***



***Being caught between a rock and a hard place is something one never would never want experience and I felt like I was losing my mind but I took a leap of blind faith and followed Thomas even though I knew that I hurt grandma. I always thought of Thomas reaction when he knew about my status and it would freak me out. I loved the house I was living in, it was a five roomed house and it was enough for me coz I lived alone and Thomas would come everyday just to see me. I talked to him about getting me a job even as a house help so I could take care of myself but he blatantly refused.




The day I was going to meet Thomas grandma was really nerve wrecking coz I even turned down my wardrobe in search of clothes that would impress her then my phone rang and the number wasn’t saved so I hesitate in picking it. Veronica spoke excitedly on the other end and I also couldn’t hide that I was glad to hear from her coz we had been apart for quite some time, we talked for quite a long time and even invited me to her wedding with Mwelwa I was disappointed but there was nothing I could do. We wrapped up our call and I got back to the situation that was at hand

“What if she doesn’t like me coz he usually introduces to her beautiful and classy women?”

I asked myself and I had seconds thoughts about going, it was like Thomas read my mind coz he called right then

Thomas: my moonlight hope you’re done coz I’m almost there

Me: umm…I’m still trying to figure out what yo wear

Thomas: I thought you’d be done by now

Blessings: what….what if she doesn’t like my taste…what if she doesn’t like me?

***I heard him exhale loudly***

Thomas: class, fashion and all other things most women treasure aren’t important to grandma, she’s a loving person and I’m sure she’ll be impressed without you even trying

Me: alright

I dropped the call then opted for a black long skirt, pink blouse and black pumps, I let my Brazilian weave loose and applied a bit if make up then say waiting for Thomas who arrived minutes later. He looked gorgeous in his casual clothes and he couldn’t stop talking about how good I looked then we left shortly. He talked about moving in with him but I plainly refused, he drove to his house to collect some documents he had to drop at his grandma’s and led me in. It was my second time in his house but I still couldn’t get used to what I saw, the place was just exquisite. I waited for him in the lounge and he came back holding a file then starred at me as my mind was all over the place

Thomas: I don’t mind saying this the hundredth time but you look breathtakingly beautiful

Me: thank you

***I got up shyly as he approached me***

Me: you look good too

His lips brushed against mine before I could get the chance to finish my sentence and the next thing his tongue was searching mine and I responded as I got lost in it, things were about to get to heated and I had to pull out so I couldn’t put him at risk

“Tell him the truth, it’s now or never”

Something in me said and I was about to say something when the door flew open startling me then we both turned to see the health practitioner who hurt my feelings some time back and I froze…..

To be continued

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