The Quenched Desire – Episode 5

The Quenched Desire – Episode 5

© Lewis Dampson

As the days went by, Charles knew in his heart that God had planned a great revival in the Church. While preaching in one of his services, he said, “I have reached out my hand and touched the flame. I am burning and waiting for a sign.”

Revival must be in the heart before it comes into the earth. It mostly has everything to do with the individual who brings it. During this time, every denomination in the town was praying for revival. Because of Charles’ childhood, he was well trained in the doctrine of man, sin, and salvation.

As a prerequisite to be a minister in the church Charles preached, one was required to have a degree in theology before being accepted as a bona fide minister. Charles was admitted to study theology in a Bible college. Because of the anointing on his life, he was admitted into the school with no qualifications. The young ministry students were required to listen to great men of their denomination and pattern their preaching styles after them. But, Charles was an exception. He couldn’t complete his studies because of his burning desire to preach and pray.

(I want to point out here that, young ministers should take care in how they operate with the anointing. It is true that one may be heavenly anointed with authority. But, one should not operate without the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of wisdom. Young ministers nowadays operate without the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of wisdom. Jesus operated with both spirits aside the massive anointing on his life.)

The following year was a year of great struggle for Charles. He was torn between doing what everyone expected and following what he felt the Spirit of God wanted him to do. He was finding it difficult to sift the different voices he was hearing.

In his state of confusion, his phone rung. He took it from his pocket and realized Noah was calling. Using his thumb, he answered the call. “Hello Charles. How are you doing?” Noah asked. “I am doing well Noah,” Charles replied. “Where are you? I have sent you a lot of messages, but you have replied none of them,” Noah asked. “I am in the house Noah. I am sorry, I was praying,” Charles replied. “Come quickly. I attended a prayer meeting yesterday, and it was awesome. I became fully resolved and surrendered my life to the work of the Lord. I am there right now. The meeting is about to start. Come quickly, I don’t want you to miss this,” Noah said as he hanged up.

Charles reacted strangely. He feared he wouldn’t be able to receive the fullness of the Spirit of God. He went into a deep depression- a pattern he became known for throughout his ministry. He was consumed with the thought that nothing could soothe him. He didn’t attend the prayer meeting. He sank himself more into depression.

Charles was in his room when he heard a knock on his door. He went to open it and found Noah standing in the doorway. “So you don’t ask after me, Charles,” Noah accused him. “Not that Noah, I have a lot on my mind these days. Anyway, I am sorry for not calling,” said Charles. “Don’t worry my friend, you are forgiven,” said Noah in a teasingly manner. “I am here to take you to a program. This time, I didn’t want to call you over the phone. You might refuse to come as you did the other day. There is a powerful evangelist in town and he will preach this afternoon. He is called evangelist Joshua. I want us to go,” Noah added.

Charles didn’t want to go since he had planned praying that afternoon. But upon the incessant persuasion from Noah, he gave in. “Okay, I will follow you to the meeting,” Charles finally accepted to go to the meeting.

Unknown to Charles, Evangelist Joshua had prayed for years that God should raise up another “Elisha” from an ordinary person and mantle him with power. “God, let your will be done in this service. Holy Spirit have your way with the people and raise from among them a person to continue with this great commission. Let your power be seen and let men know that you are still the same God of yesterday, today and forever,” Evangelist Joshua prayed these prayers as the time of the program was drawing near. He prayed more in tongues and went to the program.

Noah went to Charles’ place to make sure he was ready. Many people would come to the program and they needed to get there as early as possible. Noah disliked sitting at the back at church programs. They dressed up and hurriedly went to the venue. They were able to secure a seat on the third row.

The service was powerful as the praise and worship team ministered powerfully. The only quiet person at that meeting was Charles. He sat on the seat without even moving a muscle. After the praise and worship team ministered, Evangelist Joshua took the stage. He immediately broke into speaking of tongues. The wind of the Spirit swept across the room and the whole atmosphere was charged with the glory of God. Suddenly, Evangelist Joshua prayed, “Bend us! Bend us!” Charles’ soul stirred within him as he sat. He fell on the ground and broke into uncontrollable tears. The love of God was revealed to him in a way he hadn’t experienced before.

In an hour, the afternoon service was over. Charles still felt the shocks of electricity in his body, even after the service was over. Noah and a group of friends were going to Evangelist Joshua’s hotel for lunch, but Charles refused to go. He was tensed and solemn. He was afraid the Holy Spirit would come to him and that he wouldn’t accept Him. So once again, Charles put himself in a state of depression.

(This showed Charles’ misunderstanding of the ways the Holy Spirit operate. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and He wouldn’t force Himself on anyone. He will never offer you something you can’t receive or ask you to perform anything you can’t do. The Holy Spirit isn’t out to torture your soul, drive you, or pressure you into isolation. He has come to empower you for His service. He came to impart boldness, sensitivity, and strength. All we have to say is, “Come, Holy Spirit.” If our lives need adjustment, He will reveal those areas along with His plan to mature them. The kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace, love, and joy. Anything else will throw you off balance.)

Charles left the company of his friends and went back to the auditorium where Evangelist Joshua held the afternoon meeting. While there, he responded to Joshua’s earlier prayer by crying out to the Lord, “Bend me! Bend me!” In this prayer of submission, he received more revelation into the love of God. Charles surrendered to the will of God that day and allowed His compassion to fill him. Now, Charles felt ready to be God’s messenger.

To be continued



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